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  • 一个已婚的女人去一个危险的周末旅行远离家,火花的欲望,但悲惨的结束,使她怀疑是否接近她的人说的是真话。
  • 《潜伏》、《海王》男星帕特里克·威尔森要升级做导演了!在主演了多部《潜伏》系列影片后,帕特里克·威尔森确定执导该系列第五部。这将是他的导演处女作,而他还会继续出演Josh Lambert一角。这次故事发生在上一部的10年后,小男孩Dalton Lambert(泰·辛普金斯 饰)已经长大,要上大学了。  目前,《潜伏》系列4部影片在全球收获5.42…
  • A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of his friends. One day, sounds were heard from Matt's apartment and Anthony went to check what happened there. Suddenly, …
  • 冬雪纷飞的安纳托利亚山区,一所与世隔绝的男子寄宿学校座落其中。某日夜里,男孩们在淋浴间过度嬉闹,遭到教官严厉处罚,被迫在零下30度的低温中洗冷水澡。隔天,尤素夫竟发现同房好友开始严重呕吐,陷入昏迷。他赶忙通报师长,却只见大人们不断互踢皮球。随著时间分秒流逝,下山之路的积雪越发深厚,他望著奄奄一息的好友,理智也面临崩溃边缘…
  • 钞级布偶HD
    Why did the world suddenly treat stuffed animals like gold? Ty Warner was a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women grew his masterstroke of an idea into the biggest toy craze in history. “The Beanie Bubble” is an inventive story about what and who we value, and the unsung heroes whose names di…
  • 抵挡计划HD
    A young man trapped in his apartment with a swarm of demons outside his door must find a way to survive the night and escape from apartment 213.
  • 当一个篮球运动员与一个残暴的犯罪首领发生牵连时,他发现自己陷入了危险之中。这个犯罪首领有意让他堕落和操控 @优质资源库
  • yle="white-space: normal;">《德洛丽丝·罗奇的恐怖》是一部受《理发师陶德》(Sweeney todd)启发的怪诞故事,讲述的是“吃还是被吃”;一个关于爱情、背叛、杂草、中产阶级化、同类相食和适者生存的可怕都市传说。这部电影讲述了不屈不挠的多洛雷斯·罗奇(Dolores Roach)回到纽约市的一个社区,在她入狱的16年里,这个社区发生了巨大的变化。…
  • 任性而坚定的奥利维亚·温菲尔德与她心爱的父亲一起工作时,意外地被美国最富有的单身汉之一马尔科姆·福克斯沃斯求爱。 在经历了一场旋风般的浪漫之后,奥利维亚成为富丽堂皇的福克斯沃斯庄园的女主人,但她很快发现自己所期待的童话般的生活变成了一场噩梦。本作为电影《阁楼里的花》前传。
  • 若虫:森林之歌HD
    Mavka - a beautiful forest nymph and soul of the Forest - faces an impossible choice between love and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest, when she falls in love with a human - the talented young musician Lukash. Our story is about the magical power of love. That kind of love that enables human nature to fi…