搜索 雷内·克莱尔

  • An ambitious newspaper reporter (Dick Powell), eager to scoop the competition, wishes he could know the news before it happens. A mysterious old man (John Philliber) grants the reporter that power, even as he cautions against using it. Now able to predict the news 24 hours in advance, the reporter goes about scooping a…
  • 一个流浪巴黎的街头歌手、他的好友以及一个两人都心仪的姑娘,三人的恋爱关系支撑了整部电影,故事性十分贫eee。导演莱恩·克莱尔的旷世激情与浪漫洋溢在巴黎的狭小出租屋中。本片描写了一个街头歌手竞争一个美丽姑娘的故事。通过歌曲对爱情和人性弱点的诙谐探索,世故的眼光和破天荒的新影音技术的使用捕获了巴黎浮华的气氛。