搜索 1

  • Cut off from civilisation, a single mother puts her children on high alert when they bring home a young girl caked in clay. She tells of spirits and spirit hunters, but these are not mere superstitions. As more strangers show up on her doorstep, she quickly finds another reason to fear the forest.
  • 影片讲述了一位在事业上处于低谷期的女主播艺璇(孙曼萍饰),被经纪人擅作主张给她报名参加了奖金高达十万元的密室逃脱开业活动。艺璇和另外三个互不相识的陌生男生一同进入了密室后,发现另外三人竟是多年未见的小学同学。蹊跷的巧合、匪夷所思的意外接二连三的发生,他们才意识到这并不是 一场简单的游戏。密室中的一个个悬念相继打开,这些…
  • 当巴黎被一种奇怪的致命烟雾淹没时,幸存者只能在城市的上层和屋顶避难。没有新闻,没有电,没有水,没有食物,一个小家庭在灾难中挣扎求生。但随着时间的推移,他们不得不面对现实:救援队伍不能来了。如果他们希望活着出来,他们就得冒着被雾笼罩的危险。
  • 天神爱上凡人,这原本就是不被允许的事情。但是,天宫中的三圣母(徐帆 配音)却执意爱上了人间的书生刘彦昌。不顾二郎神(姜文 配音)的反对,三圣母带着神器宝莲灯私下凡间与刘彦昌私定终身并生下一子取名叫沉香。平静、幸福的七年很快就过去了,有一天二郎神突然下凡,并用小沉香威胁三圣母交出宝莲灯并被其压在华山下。一个美好的家庭也由此…
  • "The third film in the series, The Trap, is an unusual beast. When the film opens our perpetually down-on-his-luck hero is actually on a bit of a roll. Business is booming, he’s got a new girlfriend, Akane has been accepted into college … he’s even upgrading his office equipment. Things couldn’t be better, right? …
  • 怒火12小时HD
  • 大學放榜前一天,小春無意間發現了家裡的大祕密。即將成年到異地求學,弟弟夏仔沒放過這最後與姊姊相處的夏天。家鄉的人事物依舊,面對眼前未知的未來,小春既期待又怕受傷害。成年的滋味,竟如此超乎預期地又澀又甜。  從平凡的台灣家庭孕育出後韻無窮的成長故事,勾勒不善表達情感的家人面對分離時那不捨與疼惜之情,藍葦華、鄭有傑演出精采…
  • 牧群2014HD
    The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped women are kept imprisoned in a squalid medical facility condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their captors, without any hope of rescue or escape.