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  • In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses.
  • 沃格特(Vogt)撰写并导演了有关四个孩子(6至12岁)的故事,而这件事引起了父母的注意,而他们的无辜玩耍又变成了其他事情。电影制作团队写道:“神奇而令人毛骨悚然的事情开始发生。《无辜者》是一部成人电影,讲述了进入儿童秘密世界的令人震惊的旅程。”  本片由Maria Ekerhovd Mer Film发行。
  • 玛塞纳,纽约,1998年。十年的恐怖随着伊丽莎白·考尔菲尔德的被捕而结束。伊丽莎白·考尔菲尔德是一名绑架了五名年轻女孩的女人,并假装她们是自己的孩子。只有一个女孩,克里斯蒂娜·鲍登,设法逃离了考尔菲尔德的生活,另外四个被发现埋在考尔菲尔德破旧的房子后面。20年后,考尔菲尔德越狱,展开了一场致命的追击……
  • Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town, where he …
  • After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity.
  • A successful single mother's carefree sister reappears out of the blue one day to stay with her and her teenage daughter.
  • 大學副教授艾蜜莉遭不明人士綁架,被丟進一個時間持續倒數的密室中,她的記憶喪失,更別說是被綁到這裡的原因。驚恐又充滿疑惑的她,在牆縫發現一個寫有日期的火柴盒,裡頭還夾了一支鑰匙,艾蜜莉意外地對這些東西感到熟悉,但上頭的日期究竟是什麼意思?鑰匙又是拿來開啟何物?艾蜜莉得把握時間趕快找回記憶才行。
  • 单身父亲丹尼尔·雷(布赖恩·波兰德 Brian Boland 饰)与美丽的克里斯蒂(Sprague Grayden 饰)结为夫妇,并育有可爱的孩子亨特(William Juan Prieto 饰),连同丹尼尔的女儿艾丽(Molly Ephraim 饰),一家四口过着幸福快乐的生活。2006年的某一天,他们的房子被人闯入,东西翻得乱七八糟,却几乎没有丢失任何东西。此后不久,丹尼尔请人在房…
  • 虽然在第一集中,美军已将所有变形怪物一网打尽,但不幸将清理现场之废料于运输途中遗落。这天杰西和比尔等三人发现此一阶段的筒子,无奈比尔顽皮碰撞筒内废料,有毒的气体大量渗出,比尔吸入大量毒气,回家不久即过世,而毒气渗出又适逢大雨滂沱,雨水溶解毒素渗进附近的坟场。没想到坟内的死尸又一一爬出棺木继续危害人类。虽然在第一集中,美…
  • George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that someb…