搜索 Campbell

  • 神秘博士50周年特辑“博士之日”前传短片
  • 蔚蓝天使HD
    Follows the veterans and newest class of Navy and Marine Corps flight squadron as they go through intense training and into a season of heart-stopping aerial artistry.
  • Kyrie之歌HD
    女主角Kyrie是一名流浪街头的音乐家,只能通过唱歌来发出自己的“声音”,创作歌手Aina The End出演Kyrie一角
  • 血嗜森林HD
    Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from a country pilgrimage to challenge their bleeding hearts, they accept an invitation that will change their lives forever.
  • 故事发生于2032年,当时来自地球的任务正被派往探索火星。在火星表面发现奇怪的人工制品后,两组宇航员被神秘杀害,SC-37的机组人员进去试图找出发生了什么。当一个嗜血的太空怪兽开始和宇航员共进午餐时,他们很快就知道了前辈们的遭遇。他们中有人能活着回到地球吗?
  • A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation…
  • During a raging snowstorm, a drifter returns home to the blue-collar bar located in the remote Canadian town where he was born. When he offers to settle an old debt with a grizzled bartender by telling him a story, the night's events quickly spin into a dark tale of mistaken identities, double-crosses and shocking viol…
  • 塞巴斯蒂安国家公园在美国马里兰州一个名叫克拉里奇的海滨小镇,人们生活悠哉游哉,尽情享受着造物主的恩赐。但是某天,两名潜水人员意外身亡,他们死状恐怖,引发了小镇的恐慌以及政府和科研人员对当地水质的调查和关注。有人对当地养鸡场肆无忌惮向大海排放鸡粪的行为提出指责,也有人信誓旦旦宣称经济与环保齐头并进。但是似乎在某一个时间点…
  • 最異想天開的黑人詐欺喜劇,一對兄弟檔走投無路到想打劫上帝!雅各是一位自以為是的行騙光棍,某日,他與食古不化的兄弟凱恩在黑幫追殺下,竟跑去破敗教堂尋求庇護。沒想到竟心生歹念,企圖行騙教士、詐取錢財,以湊足積欠黑幫的鉅款。此時,凱恩意外愛上美麗的教會秘書,計畫因此有變數,這場鬧劇會如何收尾呢?
  • 肥胖的姑娘茱莉亚(艾丽森?汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)长久以来得不到爱神的眷顾,眼看一生要在家里的餐馆中做服务生度过。她古怪的家庭:希腊黑人父亲、印度母亲和一个日本妹妹不看好茱莉亚的婚姻,然而,一个英俊的顾客格兰特(亚当?坎贝尔 Adam Campbell 饰)再度激发了茱莉亚的爱火。茱莉亚找到神通的矮人红娘,在后者帮助下摇身一变成为窈…