搜索 Colville

  • Comet ISON could well be the brightest and most spectacular comet for a generation. It should appear above the eastern horizon from December 2013 as a glorious streak across the sky. ISON has been travelling towards the sun for ten thousand years and will make only one orbit through its corona before disappearing off i…
  • 斯蒂芬·阿梅尔(《绿箭侠》)将主演Starz8集新剧《卑鄙小人》(Heels,暂译)。迈克尔·沃尔卓恩操刀剧本,迈克·奥麦利(《无耻之徒》)担任剧集运作。剧集围绕美国小镇里追逐摔跤梦的男男女女展开。故事讲述在乔治亚州的一个家庭运营的摔跤俱乐部中,两兄弟与对手一同争夺他们已故父亲留下的财产。阿梅尔饰演的角色在这个俱乐部算是卑鄙小人,但在…