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  • Someone downloads an app on your phone behind your back. It looks like an augmented reality game, but soon you realize it's an app that connects to the world of the dead, which allows you to see the dead through the camera of the phone. On the screen you see a countdown timer starting from 24 hours and before it reache…
  • 爱从来都不是一条平坦的路。没有人比卡莉和丽娜更清楚这一点了,在卡莉决定从医学院辍学,丽娜失去了律师的工作后,她们的关系变得更糟。这迫使他们搬到一个汽车旅馆,一个他们都不满意的情况。更糟糕的是,丽娜和抑郁症的斗争又回来了,卡莉决定用她剩下的钱买一台相机,这样她就可以把摄像作为一种职业。尽管他们的关系开始出现裂痕,但卡莉和…
  •   一种致命病毒如野火燎原般在全球蔓延,整个世界处于封闭、封控、封锁状态,世界各地的城市里的人们生活在恐惧和混乱之中,他们在被迫的孤寂中苦苦挣扎,不惜一切代价为生存而斗争。。。
  •   影片聚焦在安娜的童年、青春以及成年时期的不同阶段,三个重要的人生时刻,都充满了欲望,同时也诠释了她的一生。
  • Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chain…
  • 影片情节设置在一个叫作天堂谷的虚构国度,一个男人叫做亚当卓别林的故事。亚当在他的妻子死后发现她的死因非常可疑,于是他开始调查妻子的死,之后他发现妻子的死和当地的黑帮老大丹尼理查兹有关。但是警察对黑帮老大无可奈何,因为他拥有颠倒是非黑白的能力。被仇恨占据了的亚当,召唤了一个拥有超人的黑暗力量的恶魔。恶魔跟随亚当出行,并承…
  • 萨曼莎的母亲去世后,她悲痛欲绝又怀着身孕,科琳的突然出现让她精神振奋。科琳是萨曼莎失散已久的祖母,她突然出现,减轻了萨曼莎的痛苦,并引导她度过了怀孕的起起落落。尽管她最好的朋友艾米和她的丈夫布拉德提出了警告,萨曼莎还是一头扎进了她的新恋情。一切都很好,直到科琳黑暗的过去显露出来, 她被迫为自己和家人的生命而战。
  • Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asylum against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Helena, heir to her blood, will be sacrificed by an evil entity. Helena lost her faith and disbelieves her father. Antonio …
  •   Edwin and Netta with their two children, Adam and Sekar going to Netta's hometown at Temanggung. Netta were suspected as the cause of Lampor terror at her hometown, a demon who bring a flying casket.
  • 奸母,杀戮,与《残酷食人族》,如出一辙,意大利超真实恐怖片经典之作。不完全是由头杀到完场,至少它有一两场床戏与裸女,更有奸母的异象,满足大部分(男性)观众的愿望。它的拍摄手法亦不算太粗烂,布景不差,丧尸的化妆尤其好。演员演出也算不俗。其实是七、八十年代意大利外销美国的B级商业电影的代表作。