搜索 Gan

  • Young couple Madeleine and Neil are coaxed by acquaintance Monsieur Beaumont to get married on his Haitian plantation. Beaumont's motives are purely selfish as he makes every attempt to convince the beautiful young girl to run away with him. For help Beaumont turns to the devious Legendre, a man who runs his mill by mi…
  • 风光秀丽,细腰丰胸,委内瑞拉亚马逊河流域的奥里诺科河上响彻着欢快热情的歌声。美国大使阿诺德·里吉斯与委内瑞拉外交部长瑟吉奥·科多巴正在进行政治磋商,但是好景不长,他们突然遭到食人鱼群的袭击。血雨腥风,无人生还。不久大使遇害的消息传到美国,国务卿鲍勃·格莱迪(贝瑞·威廉姆斯 Barry Williams 饰)立刻派出特种兵杰森·菲奇(保…
  •   After escaping abduction, a frantic woman must coerce an exhausted truck driver to hide in the back of her truck for the night. The two women take refuge not knowing what the rest of the night has in store.
  • Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey,…
  • 米哈伊洛(穆斯塔法·纳达雷维克 Mustafa Nadarevic 饰)曾经是公认的钢琴神童,有着无量的前途和对音乐的无限热爱。然而,当他的父亲被革命法庭判处了死刑,而母亲无法承受这样的打击决定自杀之后,米哈伊洛就彻底的告别了天才的头衔,陷入了深深的痛苦之中。  一晃眼几十年过去,米哈伊洛依然没有能够走阴影中走出来。如今的他在一家琴行里…
  • 雷·帕里什,一个可爱的小镇女孩,现在是著名的女演员,采取越来越极端的手段来保护自己的名声。提名里欧奖等7个奖项,为了来之不易的名利,一个女人要多狠有多狠。雷·帕里什,一个可爱的小镇女孩,现在是著名的女演员,采取越来越极端的手段来保护自己的名声。提名里欧奖等7个奖项,为了来之不易的名利,一个女人要多狠有多狠。
  •   Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series …
  • 迟来的道歉HD
    Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her estranged ex-bother-in-law arrives unannounced, bearing nostalgic gifts and a heavy secret.
  • 第一集的病毒再次袭来!自从他的朋友遭殃之后,保罗这次能否逃过劫难呢?   这一次恐怖事件的场景被设在了高中,一种极具腐蚀性的污染水源被装瓶送入校园,出现在高中返校舞会上,毫不知情的学生们在饮水后,开始吐血、腐烂、最终死亡第一集的病毒再次袭来!自从他的朋友遭殃之后,保罗这次能否逃过劫难呢?   这一次恐怖事件的场景被设在了…
  • 自大萧条(20世纪30年代)时起,某小镇就存在一个埋藏死人的地下室,传说中里面藏有价值连城的珠宝。无数盗贼觊觎这块肥肉,然而地下室内危机重重,很多人有去无回。最终,地下室于70年代彻底关闭。青年佩里(麦克?莱昂纳多MikeRanallo饰)从监狱释出,和专事偷盗的多莉安(克里斯蒂安?艾伦CristenIrene饰)、PJ(SarahOh饰)、吉娜(A…