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  • In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
  • 沃格特(Vogt)撰写并导演了有关四个孩子(6至12岁)的故事,而这件事引起了父母的注意,而他们的无辜玩耍又变成了其他事情。电影制作团队写道:“神奇而令人毛骨悚然的事情开始发生。《无辜者》是一部成人电影,讲述了进入儿童秘密世界的令人震惊的旅程。”  本片由Maria Ekerhovd Mer Film发行。
  • Young couple Madeleine and Neil are coaxed by acquaintance Monsieur Beaumont to get married on his Haitian plantation. Beaumont's motives are purely selfish as he makes every attempt to convince the beautiful young girl to run away with him. For help Beaumont turns to the devious Legendre, a man who runs his mill by mi…
  • Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a year - and something came with her.
  • 山姆·克拉弗林加盟蒂莫西·斯波主演犯罪惊悚片[腐败](The Corrupted,暂译),罗·思卡佩罗执导,片中山姆·克拉弗林扮演一个犯有前科的人,而他欲得到家人的爱和信任。然而他的未来却被克利福德·卡伦(蒂莫西·斯波饰)为首的犯罪组织影响,而他更是被牵扯进一桩有关金融届、警察届等的腐败圈之中。该片将在柏林电影节寻找买家。
  • 单亲母亲杰西(梅利莎·乔治 饰)和一帮朋友乘游艇出海游玩,但她总有一种有不好的事情发生的感觉。不久,他们便在海上遭遇一场强烈的风暴。游艇翻船,众人落海,几经挣扎他们好不容易爬到游艇残骸上来。正当他们无计可施之时,一艘巨大的游轮向众人缓缓驶来。众人欣喜过望,未加思索便登上这艘名为“艾俄洛斯”的游轮,结果发现这竟是一艘193…
  •   Giorgio is a greedy adulterer who makes a deal with a serial killer (Michel Antoine) to dispose of his wealthy wife, Nora. Unfortunately, a thrill-seeking young couple steal the killer's car with Nora's corpse in the trunk, ending up at …
  • 一群男男女女来到一个加油站,为了筹集捐款在这里擦车。女孩们穿着比基尼,美丽动人,在开心快乐的同时没想到有个叫莫伊的神秘人也出现在加油站里,同伴开始接二连三地失踪…一群男男女女来到一个加油站,为了筹集捐款在这里擦车。女孩们穿着比基尼,美丽动人,在开心快乐的同时没想到有个叫莫伊的神秘人也出现在加油站里,同伴开始接二连三地失…
  • A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
  • <p>  玛丽安(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)和约翰(大卫·鲍伊 David Bowie 饰)已经不太记得请他们究竟在一起多长时间了,他们只知道,每过7天,他们都需要饮下人类的血液,以此保留青春,没错,他们都是吸血鬼。约翰的突然衰老给玛丽安带来了恐慌,因为在她漫长了生命里,这样的事情发生过不止一次,然而每一次,能终结这种…