搜索 I

  • A man (Ki Tae-yeong) is imprisoned for murdering his father, a woman (Han Soo-jeong) is given a terminally ill life, Song Jang-soo (Park Cheol-min) stands at the edge of the cliff to end his life and coffee shop girl Jeon Na-ri (Cheon Woo-hee) who has nothing but debt, all come together! These special people meet at th…
  • 玛莎现在很开心,她有自己的家庭,拥有一个知根知底并且无比信任的男人——保罗。他们生活在一起,每天都会分享着属于他们的事情。更重要的是,玛莎对未来的事,自信满满。  可是有一天,两个警察出现在了玛莎的家门口,带走了和她生活多年的保罗。原来,保罗只是玛莎心中的一个幻影而已。转瞬之间,玛莎的生活完全崩塌,而玛莎本人也陷入了对…
  • 隔窗恋爱:看着你HD
    Raquel and Ares are in a long-distance relationship. They finally reunite during summer on the landscapes of Costa Brava with their friends, Raquel and Ares begin to question whether their relationship can endure the test of time.
  • 本剧讲述了在私立绘都学园,聚集了“零干劲、零才能、零将来性”的学生们的3年0班,迎来了新的班主任,他是姿容端正,却有些怪怪的老师·加贺美零。学校的常识早已不再适用,资产和行动力都“离谱”的他,真实身份是继承了代表日本的财阀集团的CEO,是令人意想不到的“亿万富翁”。虽然时代在变,但青春期孩子们的问题根本没有改变。打破常识的…
  • 舒加利2HD
    Russian sociologist Maxim Shugalei and his colleague interpreter Samer Suifan are still imprisoned in a Libya. For more than a year now they tortured and psychologically abused. Nevertheless while imprisoned, Maksim Shugalei continues to work trying to understand the logic of the global terrorism actions. Collected by …
  • 舒加利3HD
    Maxim Shugalei the sociologist and Samer Suifan his interpreter are finally returning back to Russia after a long imprisonment in the Libyan Mitiga prison. A few months later, Shugalei is approached by his friend - Farid, a former bank manager in Tripoli, and offers sociologist a meeting in Egypt - he has new informati…
  • 女学生江玲玉,家住江西,在上海某大学就读,寄居姨母家。抗日战争爆发,玲玉不顾姨母和表兄周家荣的阻止,毅然参加救亡演剧队,沿京沪线宣传抗日。不久,她与同队青年音乐家高礼彬相爱。随着战争发展,演剧队长途跋涉,辗转湘桂黔,到达重庆。这时周家荣假公务之名,来重庆做投机生意,以金钱为饵纠缠玲玉,被玲玉拒绝。抗战胜利后,玲玉与礼彬…
  • Netflix拿下YA漫画小说《心跳停止 Heartstopper》改编的半小时剧集,共8集。  原作者Alice Oseman负责改编,《火炬木小组》导演Euros Lyn执导,打造了《婚情咨文 State of the Union》的See-Saw Films为制片公司。  《心跳停止》讲述了Nick和Charlie的故事,他们是就读于一所男子文法学校的两个英国少年。Charlie是公开的同性恋,十…
  • Devastated by the recent kidnapping of his 15-year-old son, Largo Winch looks on, helpless, as his business partner commits suicide during a live press conference. As everything turns against him, as his business empire starts to fail, he discovers that the two events are perhaps linked: if he finds the criminals respo…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  该剧改编自爱丁堡艺穗节备受赞誉的单人剧,讲述事业不顺的喜剧演员唐尼·邓恩(理查德·加德 Richard Gadd 饰)与女跟踪者玛莎(杰西卡·古宁 Jessica Gunning 饰)之间扭曲的关系,二人的生活因此面临分崩离析的危险。