搜索 Iskandar

  • 水、土、火、气。四个国家曾经和睦相处,四种元素的主宰降世神通维持着他们之间的和平。但是当烈火国进攻并消灭了气和牧族之后,一切都改变了 — 这是烈火国征服世界的第一步。由于目前的神通化身尚未出现,世界已经失去了希望。但是,当年轻的气和牧族安昂(戈登·科米尔饰演)重新觉醒,成为下一个转世神通后,就像黑暗中的一道光,希望出现了…
  • based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrot…
  • 下一世情歌HD
    A young couple of different religious faiths and very much in love, meet a tragic accident that puts both of them in a coma and sets their spirits off on a quest to figure out how to be together in the afterlife where interfaith couples are not allowed to enter the same afterworld.
  • 小孩有个漂亮的妈妈和一个不争气的父亲,风和日丽的一天,母亲离家出走的计划, 被及时向父亲通风报信的小孩破坏了。为了挽救感情,父亲一厢情愿地安排全家去坐邮轮度假,失落的母亲逮到了二次出走的好机会。母亲的出走让父亲更加暴躁不安,穷困潦倒之余,父亲又遭到了高利贷追债,父子俩只得逃至一所廉价的旅店。小孩有个漂亮的妈妈和一个不争气…
  • 阿宝(吴景滔饰)梦中坐在父亲的自行车后坐,一手拿着风车,一手紧紧地抱着,然而美梦破碎。落魄父亲周长胜(郭富城饰)有着烂赌恶习,母亲阿莲(杨采妮饰)为此无法忍受,决定出走后被抓回。为了挽救夫妻间已经破裂的感情,父亲一厢情愿地安排全家去坐邮轮度假,母亲趁机离家不归。穷困潦倒之余,周长胜又遭到了高利贷追债,连番失意的他想抛下…