搜索 Kati

  • After a brief fling, Rita (spiritually minded 24 year old who identifies as a lesbian that works as a mental health worker) and Adam (25 year old flamboyant, straight career obsessed filmmaker) decide that they are better off as friends than romantic partners. This realization changes drastically when a week later they…
  • 侦探小说家Richard Castle(内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)几乎成了纽约市警察局的“固定员工”,虽然让Kate Beckett(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰)颇感头疼,但两人合做默契,快成为正式搭档。但由于Richard在Kate不知情的情况下调查了她母亲的谋杀案,导致两人的关系一度陷入僵局。  。如今Richard一边忙灭修补他和Kate之…
  • Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose enemy #1 is the cooler than cool EDISON from down the hall. Bee's newest target is the fairytale romance-loving DYLAN. Bee …
  • Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose enemy #1 is the cooler than cool EDISON from down the hall. Bee's newest target is the fairytale romance-loving DYLAN. Bee …
  • 浪漫主义者HD
    在大学期间,莱拉(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Paquin 饰)和劳拉(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes 饰)是一对无话不谈的好友兼室友,而如今,劳拉即将和大学同学汤姆(乔什·杜哈明 Josh Duhamel 饰)踏入婚姻的殿堂,身为死党的莱拉怎能不出手相助?于是,伴娘这一光荣的身份便降临到了莱拉的肩膀上。  可是对于连男友都没有的莱拉来说,目前的处境让…
  • “Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Amber Brown, an everykid who is going th…
  • 丹的夏天和他怀孕的妻子,Mindy,正在为生活奔波,但他们却在一个荒凉的山区公路边被一个看不见的枪手在车上劫持为人质。丹的夏天和他怀孕的妻子,Mindy,正在为生活奔波,但他们却在一个荒凉的山区公路边被一个看不见的枪手在车上劫持为人质。
  • 《凶险与悬念:侦探故事》是一个引人入胜的剧情纪录片,将当事人访谈与戏剧演绎结合起来,真实再现了行走在危险边缘的侦探的调查过程。每一集都有一个不同的侦探讲述一个他们亲身经历的、充满凶险悬念、难度最高的真实案例,揭示了是什么让他们最终成功破案。
  • 时空频率HD