搜索 Kwan

  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  《我的阿弟》讲述了高中普通男生Mork(Drake Laedeke饰演)和学霸校草Tee(Frank Thanatsaran饰演)之间的故事。Mork和Tee三年前就认识并且是一对非常要好的死党,却因某天Tee在Mork家过夜时发生了不可描述的事, 导致两人友情决裂,三 年后,Tee主动上门理发寻找失去的友情,而Mork一开始却装作不认…
  • Life, death and drama at 20,000 feet, SKYMED weaves together intense character journeys and high-stakes medical rescues, as we follow the triumphs, heartbreaks and tribulations of budding nurses and pilots flying air ambulances in remote Northern Canada. They're all in over their heads, and on their own, with no one to…
  • 谈彩礼的男人HD
  • 特遣侦查HD
    Alastair (Norris), the commander of a covert Earth security task force, calls upon super-powered rookie Jim (Ting) to go on a mission led by battle-hardened Colonel Green (Singer) and his seasoned marines to track a mysterious energy disturbance at a base in New Mexico suspected of experimenting on alien technology. Wh…
  • Mflow entertainment 、Kantana、9NAA Production和 Jinloe四家制作公司联合制作,以泰国娱乐圈为背景,一班新星奋斗的故事。  KJ经纪公司的故事,一家知名经纪公司计画创建和制作一个系列。  因此聚集有梦想的年轻人加入「超越艺员」项目,发展娱乐圈各方面的能力,但在成为超级明星的过程中总会有障碍, 爱、承诺和梦想哪一个更重要?
  • In a small motel in remote area, two hoodlums and a girl have a sex and they broadcast live the whole thing on mobile. They are interfered by an unknown killer and their lives are in danger, but they don’t stop broadcasting because of the increasing viewers. Now, the brutal killing is watched by a million.
  • In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan tree blocked the constructions path. A work crew call in a mechanical digger to remove the tree. As the roots are torn …
  • 讲述了三个笨蛋警察追查黑社会从而引发的一系列搞笑事件。
  • 讲述来自荷兰的阿飞是个职业杀手,他来港是有两个目的。第一,他接到一个格杀令,目标人物是日本山口组演员鹿村一郎。第二,他要跟青梅竹马现职高级警官的良伟重聚。他自小受父母的薰陶,对日本人极之痛恨,他毫不动容地便解决了鹿村一郎。之后,他便马上去警署跟挚友会面。当然,良伟是不知   道他背后的身份。阿飞在香港遇上了两个在九反…
  • 据外媒报道,Netflix还将制作一个关联动画电影《巫师:狼之噩梦(TheWitcher:NightmareoftheWolf)》。《巫师:狼之噩梦》是一个电影项目,编剧是BeauDeMayo。DeMayo是《巫师》电视剧第三集“BetrayerMoon”的编剧,同时也将是《巫师》第二季8集中其中一集的编剧。