搜索 Shin

  • 好斗之人HD
    A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles Warren’s searing feature debut about fathers, families, and the effects of fighting.
  • 纱季是一个美丽的高中女生,因母亲吸毒卖淫入狱,为营救其母作为交换条件,私下与日本政府警厅作一个特殊合作,是扮演学生卧底警察,穿白色有警徽的透明内裤,手持溜溜球神秘武器,暗中调查学生卖淫集团,并当诱饵,以拘捕变态的强奸男子。纱季的同学沙纪爱上了一个男孩,却被虐待强迫加入卖淫集团,不从後被杀害。纱季好友同学「妓女飞鸟」也离…
  • 该剧设定在90年代  “沟通让我们变得更近,但,我们之间的关系却渐行渐远”
  • 西野翔が寂れた温泉旅館の若女将を熱演するセクシー人情コメディ。宿に温泉番組の取材がやって来たと喜ぶヒロインだったが、なんと一行はアダルトビデオの撮影隊で……。  息の長い人気を誇る西野翔と、小柄で童顔の妹系?早瀬ありすが共演したエロティック人情コメディ。名手?城定秀夫が別名義の城定夫として監督を手がけた。西野が酒癖こそ悪…
  • 小镇古咒HD
    The world of Kumari, who is married off far away in Kanhirangat, a cursed land beyond Illymala, in the west. A naive Kumari arrives in the cursed land, where people are ready to sacrifice their lives to preserve tradition and power.
  • 反叛2022HD
    The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.
  • 该剧根据同名畅销系列小说改编,讲述四个天才孤儿被古怪的本尼迪克特先生招募,他们要潜入神秘的L.I.V.E.研究所,搞清楚被称为“紧急状态”的全球危机的真相,拯救世人。
  • 卓娅HD
  • 帕达HD
    The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting crony capitalist interests. It revisits an episode of dissent in the 90s which bro…
  • 江陵HD