搜索 Spang

  • 一个名叫哈利的男孩和他的家人(兄弟奥斯汀,母亲贝丝,父亲米奇)参加了一个电视节目“香蕉分裂”的录制,这应该是小哈利的一个快乐的生日,和节目的制片人丽贝卡一切如常。但事情发生了意想不到的变化——死亡人数迅速上升。哈利、它的妈妈和它们的新伙伴们能安全逃脱吗?
  • When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a band of masked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleasant surprise, Harley's hard-boiled history has endowed her with a bag of tricks which give the game a surprise ending.