搜索 Wichniarz

  • 一涉及到食物问题,天使们就会出现问题。当他们像乔那森一样,吃得过多,无法控制,他们就会被送到人间,作为惩罚。回到天堂里的唯一机会,就是积德行善,距离圣诞节越来越近了。经过了一系列奇怪的,尴尬的遭遇之后,乔那森又开车撞到了医生加布里拉与他的儿子朱利安,朱利安在车祸之后,只能依靠轮椅行动了。一涉及到食物问题,天使们就会出现…
  • The veterinarian Markus Wenninger receives a surprising offer to take over the management of an animal care facility in Africa. With his children Katta and Jacob he begins the journey to a new life, stirred by the memories of the dream he had shared with his suddenly deceased wife of starting a farm in Africa.  In the …