搜索 Yavapolkul

  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  100 years ago, the sisters Yod and Yard were the wives of Phra Wanathep. Yard was a loyal servant to madam Kamlai, his main wife. But Khun Thep asked Yod to help him get her sister and he would reward her. S…
  • 泰国剧言情
    男主Roothon是Wathit的双胞胎哥哥,虽然他的母亲常与养父联络, 但他不知有弟弟的存在, 因为母亲不曾告诉他。受过情伤的男主,对身边的女人都没有兴趣,直到有一次,因缘际遇之下, Roothon送花到Methinee的花店,并在花丛中发现可爱的她, 拍了很多她的相片,这个女孩便是Methinee, Roothon并不知道他和弟弟喜欢上同一个女孩…