搜索 Yeon

  • You know~ the hot and erotic ‘thing’.   Nam-geun is having sex with the youngest female employee at work every lunch time and Kim is learning sex from a married superior. Lee is going around, poking everyone here and there. All of th…
  •  开始的密室监禁不过是个噱头,还以为是惊悚,断肢的刺激片,不过这可是韩国片。后来的味道就完全不一样了,只是个情色的爱情片,还是四角恋。电视剧演起四角恋来会很狗血,可电影进度快,看来也就不狗血了。    由这部剧电影我联想到换妻,现实中就不要换妻了,毕竟现实生活不是电影。这部电影描写的不是换妻!  我…
  • Kang Hyeon-joong, a former National Intelligence Service agent, is currently running a private investigator office after he quit his previous job. Han Mi-so is his secretary helping him with his daily tasks in the office. One day, Kim Jin-hee comes to the detective’s office and requests him to investigate all the women…
  • 讲述了男主人公在女鬼们的帮助下实现初恋的故事
  • 郑大世哞(民赫)是日历模型娜英幸福(韩佳人Yeong)有微笑的他虽然他们不能在一起。有一天,他的梦中女孩的动作旁边的钟武的枯燥的生活变成了兴奋的门。钟武学她如何遭受背后的空想,他把他所拥有的一切就行,安慰她。娜英是被他的天真和她的工作之间。同时,钟武的朋友勇进(Kwon Yeong Ho)和他可爱的女友姬熙一热夜梦(李熙II)但他每次尝…
  • 巴迪的妈妈HD
    yle=color: rgb(102, 102, 102); f>20岁的景秀是一个处男。他沉迷网络,但没有真正的恋爱。他很尴尬向姬妍表白了自己的感情被拒,有一天,他与父亲吵架,他的朋友贤邀请他去江原道…
  • Eun-gi's eventful life in a boarding house has begun with the three ladies: a sexy owner of a boarding house, her daughter who is even sexier, and his innocent first love. Eun-gi, a freshman, has found his new place in a boarding house operated by mother and daughter when he came to Seoul to study. His only pleasure is…
  • 雍女是朝鲜最性感的女人,论性技与美貌,世上没有女人是她的对手,同时也没有一个男人能够满足她的热烈欲火。雍女的费洛蒙像是爆发的长白山,魅惑了身边所有男人的心智,让他们嗑了再多高丽人参也难逃精尽人亡的淫劫!太过性感的罪刑,就是遭到其他女人的攻讦,雍女被迫离开家乡,孤苦无依的她内心寂寞,直到遇上天赋异禀的奇男子卞岗。