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  • 美国导演玛格丽特·贝茨首部剧情长片《爱的见习生》,找来曾与名导斯派克·琼斯合拍广告而声名大噪的星二代玛格丽特·库里,饰演一名出生在无神论家庭的少女,为了成为修女而前往修道院见习,展开自我信仰的辩证,却也在压抑训诫中发觉内心骚动的欲望。玛格丽特·库里充满灵性的亮眼表现,不逊于同台飙戏的奥斯卡得主梅丽莎·里奥。影片大胆触碰…
  • 一勺糖HD
    Millicent is taking a semester off from her studies to concentrate on her thesis about children with severe allergies, which makes her the perfect person to take care of little Johnny, a sickly, mute child who suffers from every allergy under the sun, from nickel to artificial fabric. His overbearing mother, Rebecca, i…