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  • 月宫宝盒1942HD
  • 由北京往上海的特快车上,绰号「上海小百合」的欢场女子,在车上遇见分手后一直念念不忘的英国军官,她百般示好挑逗,他却妒恨交加,不肯重拾旧爱。在半途被军阀拦检时,他为了阻止军阀对她动手动脚,出手打人;她则为了救他,同意委身军阀。往上海的路上,对生命跟爱情,都是一场严酷的考验。由北京往上海的特快车上,绰号「上海小百合」的欢场…
  • Douglas Fairbanks spared no expense for what may be the most lavish fantasy movie ever made. Inspired by the flying-carpet effects of Fritz Lang's somber but spectacular Der Müde Tod, Fairbanks (ever the canny businessman) bought the American rights, then hid the film away as he created his own show-stopping ad…