搜索 Bérengère

  • Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their exploits and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure…
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  • 收养鳏夫HD
    当一个人刚刚丧偶时,很难适应新的生活。休伯特·雅奎因(hubert Jacquin)就是这样一个例子,他大部分时间都呆在自己的大公寓里,坐在电视机前消沉。总有一天,在一场闹剧之后,他的生活将会彻底改变。曼努埃拉,一个年轻而活泼的流浪汉,正在寻找一个家!休伯特起初很不情愿,但很快就习惯了这种能量风暴的存在,甚至说服他再住两个人。在妻子离…