搜索 Shervin

  • 周二俱乐部HD
    Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebra…
  • 波斯语版HD
    When a large Iranian-American family gathers for the patriarch's heart transplant, a family secret is uncovered that catapults the estranged mother and daughter into an exploration of the past. Toggling between the United States and Iran over decades, mother and daughter discover they are more alike than they know.  
  • Apple TV+续订《德黑兰》第二季。  从第二季开始,本剧会成为Apple TV+在全世界范围的原创剧集,在以色列当地会同时上线Apple TV+和在Kan 11播出。
  • 岔路
    林智祥(林大晋饰)和古小峰(游智强饰)因收到了调查面具人事件而组合在一起的便衣刑警,面具人的身分三年来无人能知,只知每次犯案都会戴一顶变态面具来进行毒品交易,但是....看似一起简单的面具人贩毒事件背后却隐藏一股蓄势待发的阴谋? 而古小峰是否能继续隐藏好自己就是面具人的双重身分?林智祥(林大晋饰)和古小峰(游智强饰)因收到了调查面具人事…