搜索 Xander

  • 该剧改编自《火线警探》原作者Elmore Leonard的小说《City Primeval: High Noon In Detroit》,讲述8年后,已经离开肯塔基去往迈阿密的Raylan继续担任法警,也抚养着14岁女儿。然而佛罗里达高速路上的一次相遇让他去到了底特律,与一个反社会暴力狂“俄克拉荷马野人”狭路相逢,当地警方拿此人无能为力,而如今他想要再次逃脱法网。
  • Bull mysteriously returns home after a 10 year absence to seek revenge on those who double crossed him all those years ago.
  • 一种致命传染病蔓延全球,引发一连串战争和暴动,造成无数人死亡。社会崩坏后倖存下来的人们,开始过著争夺资源的生活。雪上加霜的是,危害性命的不仅疾病,不明生物也随之出现。唯有结伴同行奋力一搏,才有存活的可能。然而在信任丧失的末日后世界,面前的人类是敌是友,得到了最后一刻才能知晓。
  • 体坛秘史:传奇四分卫命案HD
    This documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing details surrounding his shocking murder in 2009.
  • 威龙猛探粤语HD
    当夜色笼罩纽约,这里又变成了一座犯罪猖獗的城市。华人警察黄比利(成龙 饰)和同事来到酒吧庆祝来美十周年,不料同事却被一群闯入的劫匪杀死,愤怒的比利将凶手正法,因此激怒了上司,被惩罚性质的派到大亨沙比路的时装展上维持治安,表演期间,沙比路的女儿罗娜被一群人劫走,而沙比路的保镖宾尼事发前曾向香港打过多个电话,种种迹象表明,…
  • 祭品2024HD
    影片改编自Nicholas Hogg2015年的小说《东京无名氏》(Tokyo Nobody)。  美国社会心理学家本-门罗(Ben Monroe)在调查柏林当地一个与令人不安的事件有关的邪教组织,他沉浸在自己的工作中时,他叛逆的女儿马兹(Mazzy)却被一个神秘的当地男孩接触,这个男孩将她带入了这座城市的地下世界。当他们的两个世界走向危险的交汇点时,本需要争分…
  • 椋鸟女孩HD
    It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world she's ever known.
  • This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut short.
  • 连接终止HD
    Gone Ghosting是一个受欢迎的捉鬼团队,通过直播和销售赚取了数百万美元。一天,团队的摄影师离开并泄露团队编造剧情。其他年轻人为了证明一切是属实,准备现场直播捉鬼。他们闯入一个传说中无人生还的地方,进行了有史以来最疯狂的现场直播。
  • 天堂在燃烧HD
    Three sisters aged between seven and 15, who live alone as their mother vanishes for whole swathes of time, and when social services demand a family meeting, the eldest sister, Laura, plans to find a stand-in for their mother.